Foster Lake Rules and Regulations

Permitted activities include fishing, non-motorized boating, hiking, jogging, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, picnicking, swimming, educational use/nature study, bird watching and photography. 其他活动可能会根据具体情况预先批准为许可活动.

请从福斯特湖网站获取福斯特湖使用请求政策和表格的副本,以确保至少提前五个工作日获得许可. Email the request form to [email protected] 或邮寄至k8彩乐园app官网下载福斯特湖,1撒克逊博士,阿尔弗雷德,纽约州14802.

Hours of Operation

Open hours are from dawn until an hour after sundown. 只有参加预定和批准的活动的人员才能在关闭后进入该物业, unless prior, express, written permission is obtained from the Foster Lake Manager. 

Access Pass


Other Policies

Bath Houses

Do not discard paper towels or anything other than toilet paper provided in the toilet; use the waste basket provided. 不要把食物或饮料丢弃在浴室的废物筐里. Remove those items from the premises when you leave.


Lifeguards are on duty (weather permitting) from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily from mid-May until classes resume in August. 救生员将在周五下午以及周六和周日上午11点值班.m. to 7 p.m. 直到哥伦布日周末,游泳季节结束. Swimming is also subject to weekly water quality testing. 必须有两名救生员值班,否则不允许游泳.


允许使用独木舟、皮艇、划艇、划桨船和帆船. 不允许使用燃气动力船只,但允许使用低速电动拖船. Boats must be clean and free of zebra mussels, etc. 在水上时必须始终穿着救生衣. 个人船只可以在夏季存放在湖中,必须在冬季之前移走. 船只存放的风险由船东自行承担,不使用时必须上锁. No bailment is created. Alfred University are not responsible for any theft, vandalism, casualty, or other loss to any stored boat. k8彩乐园app官网下载不负责保护和/或保护任何储存的船只. 如果违反规定,船的存放许可可能会被撤销. All boats must be removed from the property prior to or on November 1st; if left behind after this date, 船只或其他船只成为k8彩乐园app官网下载的财产并可被处置.


Fishing is allowed. 所有纽约州环境保护部的规定都适用. 在福斯特湖钓鱼时,您必须始终持有有效的NYSDEC钓鱼许可证. 福斯特湖不允许冰钓,也不允许在冰上行走. Fishing in the swimming area is prohibited at all times.

Horses and Motorized Vehicles

在环绕福斯特湖的徒步小径上只允许徒步旅行. 马匹和机动车辆不允许进入,因为它们对小径的侵蚀和退化有影响, as well as water quality.

请使用当地经销商的柴火,或现场的枯枝或倒下的树枝. 目前有一个关于营火木材运输的警告,由NYS DEC发布. Do not cut down, damage or destroy any living trees.


一项新规定现在生效,禁止向纽约进口木柴,除非这些木柴经过热处理以杀死害虫. 该法规还将未经处理的木柴运输限制在距离源头50英里以内.

By transporting firewood, 你可能会传播疾病和入侵的昆虫,它们会迅速杀死大量的树木. Help STOP THE SPREAD and obey the Firewood Regulation:




*For firewood not purchased (i.e. 从你自己的财产切割),你必须有一个自行签发的来源证书(PDF), 100kb), and it must be sourced within 50 miles of your destination.
*如欲了解更多资料,请参阅《k8彩乐园app官网下载》. For additional questions regarding this regulation, please call this toll-free number: 1-866-640-0652 or e-mail: [email protected].

Appropriate Conduct

If the Foster Lake Manager, Public Safety officer, EH&S personnel, the property caretaker, 或者救生员认为任何使用者的行为违反了规则, is disruptive to others/inappropriate, or presents an undue risk or danger, 安全代表有权要求使用者停止这种行为和/或立即离开该处所. 非法或不适当的行为可能会导致当地当局被通知.



Loss of Privilege

任何滥用或破坏财产或不遵守规则, 政策和/或要求可能导致特权丧失和/或转介到大学的司法系统(对于学生准证持有人). While changes to the rules are not expected, rules are subject to change, and you will be notified of any changes to the rules.


All activities are undertaken at the user's sole risk.

Pavilion use may be reserved in advance; when not reserved, the pavilion is available on a first come-first served basis. Call 607-871-2460 for more information.

Parking is allowed only in designated areas. 地面很软,如果你驶离车道或停车场,你可能会被卡住. 如果停车场满了,把你的车停在湖路的福斯特湖边,然后走进去.

No hunting, weapons or firearms are allowed on the property.

